身為建構作者,您定義工作和工作之間的相依性。Gradle 保證這些工作會按照其相依性順序執行。


例如,如果您的專案工作包含 buildassemblecreateDocs,您的建構指令碼可以確保它們按照 buildassemblecreateDoc 順序執行。


Gradle 在執行任何工作之前建構工作圖。

在建構中的所有專案中,工作會形成一個 有向非循環圖形 (DAG)。


task dag examples

外掛和建構指令碼都會透過 工作相依性機制註解輸入/輸出 來建構工作圖。


Gradle 建構有三個不同的階段。

author gradle 1

Gradle 會按照順序執行這些階段

階段 1. 初始化
  • 偵測 settings.gradle(.kts) 檔案。

  • 建立 Settings 實例。

  • 評估設定檔以決定哪些專案 (和包含的建構) 組成建構。

  • 為每個專案建立 Project 實例。

階段 2. 組態
  • 評估參與建置的每個專案的建置指令碼,build.gradle(.kts)

  • 為要求的任務建立任務圖表。

階段 3. 執行
  • 排程並執行選取的任務。

  • 任務之間的相依性會決定執行順序。

  • 任務執行可以並行進行。

build lifecycle example



rootProject.name = "basic"
println("This is executed during the initialization phase.")
println("This is executed during the configuration phase.")

tasks.register("configured") {
    println("This is also executed during the configuration phase, because :configured is used in the build.")

tasks.register("test") {
    doLast {
        println("This is executed during the execution phase.")

tasks.register("testBoth") {
    doFirst {
        println("This is executed first during the execution phase.")
    doLast {
        println("This is executed last during the execution phase.")
    println("This is executed during the configuration phase as well, because :testBoth is used in the build.")
rootProject.name = 'basic'
println 'This is executed during the initialization phase.'
println 'This is executed during the configuration phase.'

tasks.register('configured') {
    println 'This is also executed during the configuration phase, because :configured is used in the build.'

tasks.register('test') {
    doLast {
        println 'This is executed during the execution phase.'

tasks.register('testBoth') {
	doFirst {
	  println 'This is executed first during the execution phase.'
	doLast {
	  println 'This is executed last during the execution phase.'
	println 'This is executed during the configuration phase as well, because :testBoth is used in the build.'

下列指令會執行上面指定的 testtestBoth 任務。由於 Gradle 只會設定要求的任務及其相依性,因此 configured 任務永遠不會設定

> gradle test testBoth
This is executed during the initialization phase.

> Configure project :
This is executed during the configuration phase.
This is executed during the configuration phase as well, because :testBoth is used in the build.

> Task :test
This is executed during the execution phase.

> Task :testBoth
This is executed first during the execution phase.
This is executed last during the execution phase.

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed
> gradle test testBoth
This is executed during the initialization phase.

> Configure project :
This is executed during the configuration phase.
This is executed during the configuration phase as well, because :testBoth is used in the build.

> Task :test
This is executed during the execution phase.

> Task :testBoth
This is executed first during the execution phase.
This is executed last during the execution phase.

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed

階段 1. 初始化

初始化階段,Gradle 會偵測參與建置的專案 (根專案和子專案) 和包含的建置。

Gradle 會先評估設定檔,settings.gradle(.kts),並實例化一個 Settings 物件。然後,Gradle 會為每個專案實例化 Project 實例。

階段 2. 設定

設定階段,Gradle 會將任務和其他屬性新增到初始化階段找到的專案。

階段 3. 執行

執行階段,Gradle 會執行任務。

Gradle 會使用設定階段產生的任務執行圖表來決定要執行哪些任務。

下一步: 了解如何撰寫設定檔 >>